
Monday, 28 June 2021

HOUSEKEEPING... or should that be BLOGKEEPING?




Feedburner which has been the subscription function offered by Google, is no more. It is to be discontinued in July. 

If you are already subscribed, there should be no problems as my list of subscribers has been transferred to a new service
All you have to do to subscribe is to click on the image (as above)  that is in the side column.... not the one above... 
That will take you to and you will see a panel to enter your email address then you click on the green image that says Follow.
You will then be directed to confirm your subscription using the email account with which you subscribed.
You still need to confirm your request by by clicking on the link in the email you will receive addressed to the email you supplied. 

Once that is done, you should receive a notification whenever a new post is published on this blog.  

I thank you for your support.