
Sunday, 6 January 2013



It is with great pleasure and surprise that I accept the Nomination by 
Pauleen of Family history across the seas to be included in 
her selection of five blogs she has chosen to nominate for 

"Blog of the Year 2012 Award ".

 I feel I am in very good company as you can see by her nominations 

Congratulations to all.

 Now it is my task to nominate others... not by any means easy  
as I follow and enjoy so many blogs and choosing just a few
 means leaving many other great blogs out this time.
You may find that you are following some of these already, if not, 
I hope you will read a little and see why they have caught my attention.

written by the wonderful Angela 
who takes us on a journey through history or introduces us 
to the charm of Ireland today. 
She writes with such passion and enthusiasm 
that you can't help but be swept up 
in her always interesting posts.

written by Janet who invites us to learn more about the history 
of Irish settlement in Connecticut in particular 
and has led to her very much sought after book 
released last year.
Her articles are so comprehensive and written 
with such feeling and understanding that, 
even though I have no connection 
to those whose lives she explores, I find her blog 
compulsive reading.

I can't overlook Catherine who is always so modest 
about her work, but doesn't recognise the power she has 
to lead us through so many emotions...
One minute, I am battling to stop the tears flowing, 
the next I am laughing out loud. 
This incredible natural writer simply shares 
her ancestors, her life, her thoughts and feelings 
so well, that the reader becomes her friend.

written by Damian whose passion and love of history 
have taken me on an amazing journey and taught me 
so much about the Irish participation 
in the American Civil War and the attitudes 
of those times. His diligent research 
and copious links to other reading provides 
so much more than the normal tales of history.

Though Pauleen nominated me for this award, 
I can't overlook her always intriguing blogs. 
I have learnt so much from reading her tips on research, 
her guidance towards helping us to be better researchers 
has been invaluable. Pauleen has a great way of exploring 
the story behind the facts, so you really feel attached 
to those she writes about, and look forward to even more 
tales to come.

Sincere Congratulations to all my nominees and 
Thank You for sharing your wonderful blogs with us all.

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:
1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3. Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
5. If you choose, you can now join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars… For further information on collecting stars, just click on the link provided in Rule 3.


  1. Thank you Chris...I also feel privileged to be mentioned in your 2012 list and for your supportive comments. I don't know a couple of your Irish bloggers so will have to go and visit. Thanks again.

  2. You're welcome, hope you enjoy exploring.

  3. Thanks so much Chris... What a delight and such a beautiful thing for you to say. I too will enjoy visiting a couple of the unfamiliar Blogs and will send you a list of my nominations very soon. With the very best of wishes, Catherine.

  4. I always call it as I see it, Catherine, your success is well deserved. Have fun exploring the unknown... you know you're every bit as addicted as the rest of us. :-)

    1. ha ha ha Chris... You're such a card, I'm going to have to deal with you"!!! Wot... me addicted to anything?
      Juat dropping back to let you know I've now passed the award onto some very worthy recipients. The info is on:
      Cheerio for now and thanks again.

    2. CRIKEY!!! "Burning the Midnight Oil" is not very good for accuracy :-( Hopefully this link will get you through, fingers crossed...

  5. Must be the addiction causing confusion... Great choices, Catherine...

  6. Chris you are so very kind and generous in promoting the efforts of others! Thanks a million for nominating my blog. I am in such wonderful company and it is indeed a thrill to be on the same post as these other excellent bloggers, but above all it is such a lovely compliment to be nominated by someone I admire so much. Thank you ! Angela

  7. You are very welcome, Angela... It is never easy to select but a few of the talented bloggers that abound and whose posts beckon to be read. I made my selection by nominating those whose blogs I never want to miss, even though I may not catch up on the day of the post.

    Each of the of the writers above, and you are all writers, not only bloggers, has a different perspective and outlook on things... that's what makes it so interesting. Yet, all have a common desire to share, educate and encourage... hence my selections.


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