
Sunday, 12 October 2014



As a blogger and writer, I often wonder whether anyone will actually read my posts other than to skim through. It is always appreciated whenever someone leaves a comment, so you can imagine how delighted I was to be among the list of bloggers nominated for a Lovely Blog Award from a blogger whose work I truly admire ... Pauleen ( Cassmob) from Family History Across the Seas

You can read Pauleen's list of nominated blogs here

While I am familiar with a number of the nominated blogs, I look forward to familiarising myself with the rest.  Thank you, Pauleen, for including me and this particular blog, in your list. 

The suggestions for passing on the award, if you wish to do so, are as follows... 

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to that blog.
  • Share seven things about yourself – see below.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers you admire –or as many as you can think of!.
  • Contact your bloggers to let them know you’ve tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award...

It’s not the easiest thing to do to write seven things about yourself and what I love… but, here goes…in my own way…seven lines.


 A love of books is in my blood, for writing and words form my soul..

to reach out to people, and share in their dreams, I’ve made my lifetime goal…

I love the raindrops on my face and the clear blue skies of spring…

and rainbows with promises of elusive dreams and children who laugh and sing.

I’ve a passion for fabrics and needles and thread... and flowers that dance in the breeze.

I’m also intrigued by those who have passed, just wish I could find them with ease!

So here’s my offer to you, a glimpse of my life, it’s simply a minuscule tease…

                                                © Crissouli October 12, 2014

Many of the bloggers I admire have already been nominated, so while you may know some on my list, I hope to also be able to introduce you to some new blogs and bloggers... I would like to have nominated many more, but you can see others on Blogs I Like...

Thank you to all who put so much effort into their work... and bring such pleasure, as well as educating us.. you all deserve the One Lovely Blog Award...

AncestorChasing      Kerryn

A Rebel Hand          Frances

As I Roved Out        Mairéad

Becoming Prue        Prue

Clare County Library Blog   Clare County Library 

garden delights        Arija

Heritage Scrapbook  Michelle     Martine

Pastlinks   Katrina


  1. Thanks very much for the nomination! This really puts the pressure on...I only hope I can live up to the expectation.

  2. Thank you for the mention, Chris! That's high company to keep! As you know, I'm quite new to this world of blogging, not sure if I could come up with a list to pass on - I don't really follow any consistently (except yours!)

    1. You would never know you are new by the quality of your blog... I wanted to encourage you, it can be a lonely journey at times. You are doing so well... and you say all the right words... thank you.

  3. congratulations Chris and thank you so much for your nomination I am thrilled to bits. Some of the blogs you mention I haven't seen as yet so I look forward to visiting them.

    1. Thanks, Kerryn...
      I always enjoy your blog, so well deserved... I hoped I could introduce some 'new' blogs to others... We have so many to choose from...

  4. Thank you, Chris, for the nomination. I have previously received (and passed on) the 'One Lovely Blog' award, and my 'Awards' page has a link to my nominations.

  5. More new ones for me to follow up too Chris. Your blog posts are always wonderful, and only you could do this response in poem form :-)

  6. Thank you, Pauleen... I love finding 'new' blogs and have quite a few to explore, from your list and others... As for the poem, I often find that easier than prose... I know, strange...

  7. What a wonderful surprise to receive your nomination Chris! Life has been busy in the last year and I have not written as much as last year. I look forward to 'making your acquaintance' Martine

    1. So glad it was a wonderful surprise, Martine... I have been reading your blog etc. for some time and wanted to share it with I always enjoy it.

      I know about busy years, believe me...but being able to take time out to read what others are doing, always helps. Thank you for all you do ... enjoy being recognised in this small way.

  8. I'm so glad I 'found' your blog through your Award! I absolutely love the poem you created with your "seven things about yourself.' Congratulations to you ~ and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  9. Thank you, Carla... very kind of you. I hope you enjoy reading this, and perhaps some of my other blogs...


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